We Rock

Shortly after conquering Mordekai the Summoner and obtaining the legendary Holy Grail, our hero Sam "Serious" Stone locates a convenient space-able rocket underneath the cathedral and promptly launches himself into the vacuous void in pursuit of Mental. Unbeknownst to Sam, however, he has gathered a few stowaways. Having locked on to Mental’s coordinates, Sam finds himself leaving the solar system within moments. As Sam passes dangerously close to an uncharted planet, predictable engine troubles in combination with that son-of-a-bitch known as gravity, drag him towards the surface at breakneck speed. Piercing through the dense atmosphere, a brief glimpse of the horizon seconds prior to a catastrophic crash is a beautiful one indeed. Sam’s ship goes down hard.

It's now up to Sam to salvage what he can and find a way off this dirt ball.

Serious Sam and bomb logo are copyright Croteam 2001, 2005. All rights reserved. Gary rocks.